Dear future leader, executive, and general world-changer:
When I was 14 years old, I knew I wanted to run a software company someday. I didn't actually know that this job was called a "CEO" because I came from humble beginnings and had no mentors to guide me. But I knew what my 'True North' calling was--I just didn't know the path.
So I jumped headfirst into the workforce and started my personal journey of 'figuring it out'. Fifteen years later, I succeeding in taking on my first CEO role--running a multinational $150M+ online photo business. I was 37 years old at the time.
The most common question I get when meeting young professionals or executives is "What have you learned on your path to becoming a CEO that might help me be more successful?" It’s a great question and I have come to realize that I can count on just ten fingers the truly transformational coaching that defined my trajectory.
If I could give anyone a career turbo-boost it would be to accelerate them through these same lessons and not have them take twenty or thirty years to learn them on-the-fly, as I did. I promise that by absorbing and mastering even just one you will give yourself a significant career acceleration.
And If you can truly master all ten, you'll be unstoppable.
Victor Cho