A CEO’s top 10 secrets for career development

A three-part self-study class
10 self-paced video lessons
Ten ~30 minute video lessons where I go deep into each of the coaching areas listed below. Move at your own pace with no time pressure.
10 real-world assignments
To build a muscle you have to use it. Each lesson comes with a simple real-world assignment to help you truly build the skill and master the behavior.
Real-time virtual Q&A
Each month I will hold an open optional Q&A session where I will field direct questions, provide real-time feedback, clarify content, and more.

The 10 Must-Have Skills
(a.k.a. the curriculum)
A powerful career development course designed for
Early career professionals
For anyone relatively early in their career who wants to accelerate as rapidly as possible.
Anyone 'stuck' at their current level
For anyone who has seen a slowdown in their career progression as they have moved higher up in level, you are probably being gated by a gap in one or more of these areas.
Those aspiring to join the C-Suite
For anyone who aspires to take on a significant executive role at a company someday, all of these foundational skills will be required to operate at that higher level.
Course cost
Completely Free
Yes, you read that right.
Courses like this typically cost several hundred to several thousand dollars. But I am making this content available completely free of charge (with a totally optional donation for some important educational causes).

Testimonials from every level
“Two ways to figure out how to be a high-inspiration, high-impact leader: 1) spend 25 years experimenting; 2) spend 25 hours with the brilliant (FREE!) course Victor's created. Choose #2, the frameworks & golden nuggets will turbocharge your career. “
— Avinash Kaushik, Author, Strategic Analytics - Google —
“Victor is passionate leader who actually cares. His decades of experience has given him tons of wisdom that young leaders should learn from. Plus, his humor, storytelling, and background makes him someone you just want to hang with.”
— Weston Woodward —
Entrepeneur, Producer, Advisor
“I owe a large part of my organizational and personal development to Victor. As a teacher, Victor's superpower is the ability to take a highly complex concept and break it down so that you not only learn the material, but also fully understand it. Victor will teach you how to successfully grow and thrive in organizations of all sizes and stages.”
— Kristy Gharabally —
Marketing and Biz-Dev Guru
“Victor has the amazing ability to connect the dots from a high level vision / strategy to the day-to-day tactics and how an organization operates. As a CEO, Victor leads through the clarity in his thinking and transparency of his approach which brings and develops the team along the way. This has enabled him to lead and mobilize companies to achieve amazing outcomes and drive transformational change.”
— Tom Luu —
Tech Exec, Co-Founder Thinkware.io
“I am sending this message just to say thank you for the amazing content that you've shared in your "career accelerator" course. I started checking the content casually and got really excited about it. I attended all the classes, took notes (as you strongly recommended :D ) and, more than that, rethought my professional path. I'm even considering to use a hat! I hope you keep sharing this incredible knowledge and making a difference in organizations and people's lives.”
— Paulo Lima —
Senior Online Marketing Manager, PagBank
“Victor is a sharp and savvy CEO. He sees the bigger picture and has real world experience navigating organizations to success through constant innovation and frameworks that guide junior and senior staff alike.”
— Patrick Codrington —
Data Science and Analytics Executive, www.minted.com
"I've benefited from these lessons in real life, as Vic has served on my board. Truly priceless advice that will help you be a better leader, and a better person. My only wish is that I had received these insights sooner in my career."
— Bruce Parker —
Chairman and founder, Modopayments
"Many of the lessons, knowledge, and insights that Victor shared with me within the course were beyond invaluable and crucial towards building a successful career. Victor does a phenomenal job teaching students many of the key lessons that he has learned throughout his extensive career, imparting guidance that is difficult to obtain directly without experience. I would highly recommend this course and Victor's insights / recommendations to any young professional who is trying to accelerate his or her career."
— Sarang Pandey —
Student at Northwestern University
“I just wanted to say thank you for providing your extremely valuable knowledge for free to the world. You have distilled 70% of what I have learned from other mentors into an easily digestible and actionable format.
All of the lessons have helped me immensely, however, Lesson 7 on driving change has had immediate positive impacts on my current role. At the time, I hadn't finished the entire course and it had already set me on a path to break into the C-suite. My CEO and peers now look at me in a brand-new light.
I will be recommending your course to anyone making the conscious decision to accelerate their careers. You have set an amazing example and I too hope to one day pass my learnings on in a free format, at scale.”
— Neil de Jesus —
Head of Marketing, Archistar.ai
Generally no. This course is a 3-way mix of pre-recorded video classes, real-world exercises that you will be assigned, and an optional monthly real-time video-conference check-in. The third component will be delivered via interactive video, but the bulk of the course is self-paced video and exercises.
In theory you could be you really shouldn’t. A key component of the course is a focused set of exercises and assignments that will ensure you are truly building the muscle vs. simply watching a bunch of videos that come in one ear and out the other (like so many books and courses). If you simply watch the videos without spending time to build the actual muscle you will only get a fraction of the value.
The assignments are each designed to make you actually stress the muscle that you are trying to build. They will all be actions that you take in the real-world. The time commitment will depend to a large degree on how much of an investment you want to put in. You should expect to spend at least several additional hours a week focused on the growth areas if not more.
I think it's great if a particular area is resonating with you and you'd like to go deeper in the exercises. It's one of the reasons the lessons will be done via self-serve video. There's a minimum one week between lessons, but you can easily extend the period between lessons by simply deferring the video lessons and exercises.
I initially created this course as a 'time capsule' to a younger version of me. I asked myself "what advice would I give to myself as I started my career given the experiences I have had over the last 30 years". On that basis, it's absolutely targeted to those who are in the first 10 to 20 years in their careers. However, I have seen a significant number of even the highest level senior executives that have not mastered many of these fundaments. I would say if you scan the topics and find like they are not familiar to you or naturally part of your toolkit then the course would be worthwhile.
I have always had a passion for codifying my frameworks and putting them into the public sphere. You can find a ton of them up online www.victorcho.com/resources. Depending on the feedback on this course there's a high probability I would put some of that content into a similar form in the future. And if you have specific courses that you'd like to see created I'd love to hear from you. Please e-mail me at me@victorcho.com.
My experiences
Microsoft - Executive
Kodak Gallery / Ofoto - CEO
Intuit - Executive
Evite - CEO
This course is perfect if you are looking for answers to any of the following questions
How do I get a raise at work?
How do I get promoted at work?
How do I get promoted even faster at work?
What is some of the best career advice you have received?
Why am I not getting promoted?
Why am I not getting a raise?
Why are my co-workers getting promoted instead of me?
What’s the best way to develop my career?
What’s the best career development course I can take at my own pace?
What can I do if I’m stuck at my current job level?
How do I break through to the next level of responsibility at work?
What career advice will help me get promoted faster?
…and yes, this strange list is here to help with Search indexing