Welcome to the second lesson

Today we will continue our journey of capability building, focusing on how you build up the future skills to ensure you not only open up promotional opportunities but also give yourself a better chance of success when you do get that promotion.


I highly recommend that you take notes while watching these videos and then revisit those notes in the future. Research has shown that note-taking + follow-up review can increase your retention by 50% or more.


Lesson 2:
Building future capabilities

Time to complete: 1 week

Assignment Step 1

Create a career development plan (bullet list)

  • Think about the next promotional step you’d like to take and define the capabilities/skills/knowledge that you are missing.

  • Come up with your Career Development list (no more than 3 items).

Assignment Step 2

Validate your thinking

  • Identify 2 or 3 trusted contacts, advisors, mentors—people who have a broader perspective than you in terms of your desired promotion area.

  • Walk them through your logic in terms of your career development bullets.

  • Make modifications or tweaks to your list based on that feedback.

Assignment Step 3

Start attacking those gap areas

  • Determine which of the levers you’re going to use to build that future skill (leverage current projects, switch jobs, go outside the company walls).

  • Put your plans in place and start doing the work (you’re just getting started this week; of course you’re not going to finish this week).

Next Week:

Real impact -
Self-driven urgency