Welcome to full access to the CEO Career Accelerator Course
On this page, you will find links to the full ten-lesson course. Be sure to follow the instructions, however, before delving in. And please take a moment to support the important non-profit causes that I have identified below.
Five Important Course Instructions
Take just one lesson a week
This course has been designed to be taken one week at a time at a minimum. You should watch one lesson, follow through on the weekly assignment, and then come back one week later for the next lesson.
Don’t binge watch
I know many of you are impatient and will want to watch all the videos upfront. DO NOT DO THIS as you will get barraged with content and will not actually build the muscle you need.
Take detailed notes
I am, by design, not providing notes for each video lesson. You should take active notes during each session. This will really help you digest and absorb the material and make it truly your own.
Please share it
Finally, please share this course to anyone whom you think will benefit. Simply point people to https://www.victorcho.com/course.
Sign-up for optional live Q&A sessions
We’ll be holding optional Q&A sessions to answer specific questions, get course feedback, and more. If you’d be interested in joining one of those sessions please sign-up here.
Please support these non-profits
This course is provided completely free of charge to you. It’s my gift to help you on your personal career journey. In exchange, I simply ask (if you have the means) that you help support one of the non-profits listed below.
The Complete CEO Career Accelerator Course
Course Index Quick-Links
Lesson 0 - Kick off and first assignment
Lesson 1 - Capabilities - Thinking like a CEO
Lesson 2 - Capabilities - Building future capabilities
Lesson 3 - Impact - Self-driven urgency
Lesson 4 - Energy - Inquiry vs. advocacy
Lesson 5 - Energy - Driving change
Lesson 6 - Impact - Framing priorities for impact
Lesson 7 - Energy - Up, down, across communication
Lesson 8 - Impact - Divergent thinking