Welcome to the eighth lesson

Today we finalize the section on Real Impact by sharing an incredibly powerful truth—the way you prefer to get things done may not be the best approach in terms of how to actually get things done. You will be introduced to the concept of ‘divergent thinking’ where you force yourself and your team to consider multiple paths to an end goal.


I highly recommend that you take notes while watching these videos and then revisit those notes in the future. Research has shown that note-taking + follow-up review can increase your retention by 50% or more.


Lesson 8:
Divergent Thinking

Time to complete: 1 week

Assignment Step 1

Practice identifying which meta approaches (process, action, creativity, people) are preferred by different people in your organization

  • Talk to individuals to understand how they approach priorities. How would they approach your priorities differently?

  • Consider how these different approaches blend. More than not people are a mix of different ‘colors’ (e.g. Green and Red = I like to put in a structured process to move really fast)

  • Go deeper into the evolving Colors methodology by exploring David Belle-Isle’s products and services at https://incolorinsight.com/

Assignment Step 2

Start to apply divergent thinking and processes in your day-to-day

  • Start with a small, contained project area and force yourself to apply a different “how'“ vs. your normal mode of operating

  • Create your own simple divergence process or simply use Slide 5 from this resource deck: Set 4 — Victor Cho

  • Start to use a divergence process in all of your major assignments and priorities. Ensure that you are gathering the broadest possible spectrum of ideas before you move forward

Next Week:

Core Capabilities -
Self Reviews